Campaign Pillars


I believe that it is important to identify the things that guide your decisions. These are the pillars of my campaign. They're based on my own values, what I've learned as a councillor and from continually talking with residents, business and community leaders in Beaumont. As a City Councillor, these pillars will continue to guide my actions.


Value for Services

Re-Elect Steven vanNieuwkerk in the 2021 Beaumont Municipal Election

In Beaumont, like every other municipality, we pay taxes. In turn, the municipality uses those taxes to provide services to all residents. These services cost money. Prioritizing services, service areas, and allocating resources to provide these services is all very important. It is very clear, from speaking with residents, that everyone values different aspects of the services provided by their hard-earned tax dollars.

As a City Councillor, I will...

  • Continue to be a leader on council who will drive the responsible spending of tax dollars in the areas that are most important to you!

  • Continue to seek out feedback and new ideas related to the services the municipality provides.

  • Use my voice on council to continually push the city service providers to improve and innovate!

Community Engagement

Re-Elect Steven vanNieuwkerk in the 2021 Beaumont Municipal Election

I am committed to strong and meaningful community engagement.

When speaking with Beaumont residents throughout my first campaign, a prevailing issue that arose was an overall feeling of a lack of community engagement. Residents felt that their voices were not heard or listened to. Residents felt that administration and council have already "made up their minds" on issues before even seeking feedback.

I know that improvements to Community Engagement have been made, but, there is still a long way to go!

I will be a leader on council that….

  • Is 100% committed to continually improving engagement in our community.

  • Believes in the power of engagement.

  • Truly listens to everyone in Beaumont.

  • Considers all feedback.

  • Ensures life is always "Better in Beaumont."


Re-Elect Steven vanNieuwkerk in the 2021 Beaumont Municipal Election

To build our community, we need the community! Building and strengthening Beaumont’s internal connections is becoming increasingly important. We are located in a strong region surrounded by many great communities. Let’s draw upon the strength of our local relationships and partnerships, as well as our internal ones!

In order to continue to differentiate and grow, it will take all hands on deck. We are stronger together!

As a City Councillor, I will...

  • Continue to build, strengthen and encourage connections between Beaumont groups including: Businesses, our Recreational Community, City Administration, local Chambers of Commerce, City Council, RCMP, Local Non-Profit Groups, Youth and Youth Groups, the Arts Community, Spiritual Groups, Seniors Groups, Developers, Builders, School Boards, the Provincial and Federal Government…….between everyone!

  • Continue to support the Beaumont Arts Council and the Recreation, Parks and Culture Committee as they work to connect within their communities.

  • Use my voice on council to continually connect people, groups and great ideas!

Regional Cooperation

Re-Elect Steven vanNieuwkerk in the 2021 Beaumont Municipal Election

In Beaumont, we have many friends. We also have many neighbours. It is a really big world out there and no person or municipality should go-it alone... including Beaumont!

We are better together! 

As a City Councillor, I will continue to....

  • Forge strong relationships with our regional neighbors and partners.

  • Build connections within our Capital Region.

  • Find opportunities to work together with our neighbors on mutually beneficial projects, whether they are for infrastructure, residential/commercial/industrial. developments, or recreational facilities.